Política de Privacidad
- Información de navegación. Es la que proporciona su navegador al hacer uso del Sitio Web, y que facilita automáticamente cuando realiza una búsqueda, accede a una página, etc.. Se trata de información utilizada para el correcto funcionamiento del sitio web y para mejorar su experiencia de Usuario. También aquella recabada a efectos estadísticos o para generar audiencias, pero no para su uso individualizado, y que no se encuentra asociada a datos que le puedan identificar y son, por tanto, anónimos. En esta categoría se encuentran, por ejemplo, las cookies, que son objeto de explicación más detallada en el Apartado 6 siguiente.
- Información facilitada voluntariamente por los usuarios en el momento de rellenar el Formulario de Contacto, con la finalidad de gestionar su consulta por parte del Merkel.En consecuencia, Merkel sólo dispondrá de los datos personales de aquellos, Usuarios que voluntariamente quieran proporcionárselos a través del Formulario de Contacto. y, por tanto, al proporcionar tus datos personales, voluntariamente aceptas de forma expresa el tratamiento de los mismos, con la finalidad de gestionar las consultas recibidas a través del sitio web. Esta gestión puede implicar el envío de comunicaciones comerciales personalizadas en función de la solicitud realizada por el Usuario.
The proprietor of the website www.merkelcapital.es is Merkel Asset Management, S.L., (“Merkel”) with C.I.F. B66994724, with registered office at Paseo de Gracia, 103, 08008 Barcelona, Spain.
The following Privacy Policy is made available to Users in order to provide information regarding how users’ personal data is treated and protected.
Merkel has the right to modify, in whole or in part, the Privacy Policy when it deems it necessary, notifying users of such changes through this website or by other means deemed appropriate.
Data Protection Information
General note on GDPR
In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter “GDPR” or “GDPR” interchangeably), as well as any other applicable Data Protection regulation, we provide you with expanded information on this Privacy Policy.
1. Who is responsible for processing your data?
The privacy policy described below applies only to this Web Site, meaning all pages and sub-pages included in the web domain.
The entity responsible for the processing and management of your personal data is:
Merkel Asset Management, S.L. (“Merkel”)
Paseo de Gracia, 103, 08008 de Barcelona
For any doubts, questions or exercise of rights, please contact the following e-mail address: merkel@merkelcapital.com
2. For which purpose do we process your data?
The proprietor does not voluntarily collect personal data of the Users of this website for purposes other than those indicated in this section.
The information collected by the website can be grouped into two categories:
1) Browsing information. It is the information provided by your browser when using the Web Site, and automatically provided when you perform a search, access a page, etc. . This information is used for the proper functioning of the website and to improve your user experience. It is also information collected for statistical purposes or to generate audiences, but not for individualized use, and which is not associated with data that can identify you and is therefore anonymous. This category includes, for example, cookies, which are explained in more detail in Section 6 below.
2) Information provided voluntarily by users at the time of filling out the Contact Form, in order to manage your inquiry by Merkel. Consequently, Merkel will only have the personal data of those Users who voluntarily wish to provide them through the Contact Form. and, therefore, by providing your personal data, you voluntarily expressly agree to the processing of the same, in order to manage the queries received through the website. This management may involve sending personalized commercial communications depending on the request made by the User.
3. How long will we keep your information?
Merkel will keep your personal data, for the purposes described above, for as long as necessary to respond to the queries or services requested or as long as any relationship (business, contractual or otherwise) with Merkel is maintained; and after the termination of such relationships in accordance with the legislation in force.
In any case, the data collected will always be treated in compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data.
In any case, the User may exercise his/her rights or request additional information about the time of conservation of his/her personal data at the following e-mail address: merkel@merkelcapital.com.
4. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
The legal basis for the processing of your data is the legitimate interest of the proprietor in accordance with the wishes expressed when filling in the Contact Form.
5.To which recipients will your data be communicated?
In general, personal data collected through this website will not be transferred to any other subject or company, except in those cases and in the specific cases in which such transfer is covered by the RGDP or in the case of express consent by the User.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner uses the Citiservi Platform (www.citiservi.es) as a management tool, so your data will be transferred to it for the sole purpose of managing the sending of contact requests through the Contact Form.
We inform you that, for the provision of the service, Citiservi uses virtual infrastructure according to different models of “cloud computing” and through various providers, essentially OVH and Google Cloud Services, on European servers, under the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement.
6. Is data collected automatically?
As stated above, Merkel will only hold the data of those Users who voluntarily wish to provide it to Merkel.
However, there is data that is commonly shared when browsing any website and is provided by your browser, in many cases necessary either to enable browsing or to make browsing more efficient. This data is usually collected simply by browsing. The management of such data is also carried out through the Citiservi Platform and refers to cookies.
As mentioned above, the cookies installed do not contain personal information that could allow you to be identified. In addition, all the information from the cookies is managed anonymously and, in any case, by grouping it into audience categories, not associated with your personal data or individualised. You can find more detailed information on the use of cookies in the following link to Citiservi’s Cookie Policy: https://corp.citiservi.com/es/sobre-citiservi/terminos-de-uso/politica-cookies__116.html
7. What security measures do we have in place?
The personal data communicated by the User are stored in automated databases or not, assuming Merkel and / or Citiservi all technical, organizational and security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained therein in accordance with the provisions of current regulations.
8. Obligations of the User
The User is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided, and is also responsible for any type of damage, cost or loss, direct or indirect, that non-compliance with their obligations may cause.
The User must be of legal age (over 18 years of age) to be able to provide information or personal data through the Website or the Contact Form. Consequently, all Users of this Website who provide information or data of a personal nature declare and guarantee that they are of legal age and assume responsibility for this declaration.
9. Which are your rights when you provide us with your data?
Users may at any time revoke their consent for any of the purposes indicated in Section 2 above. Likewise, they may, if they so wish, exercise their rights of access, rectification and deletion of the data provided, as well as request that the processing of their data be limited, by sending a written communication or by e-mail to the following addresses:
Merkel Asset Management, S.L. (“Merkel”)
Paseo de Gracia, 103, 08008 de Barcelona
10. Privacy Policy Changes
The Privacy Policy of this Website may be updated from time to time. Therefore, Users are advised to review it each time they access the Website, so that they are adequately informed of how their data and information is processed and how their privacy is protected.