


Asset Typology: land or buildings to be reconditioned to PBSA.

Asset Use: endowment and equipment use (PBSA allowed) with construction license between 6-18 months.

Locations: city centres close to university campus. Locations with large numbers of university students and well connected by public transport to the university and city centre.

Main Cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Málaga, Granada Pamplona, Murcia and Alicante.

Building Volume: from 6,000 sqm in city centres and between 7,000 sqm – 15,000 sqm on the outskirts of cities / university campus.

FLEX Living

Asset Typology: land or buildings to be reconditioned to Flex Living.

Asset Use: residential and tertiary (accommodation) use with construction license within 6-18 months.

Locations: city centres and city outskirts, well connected by public transport and close to business centres.

Main Cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Pamplona, Sevilla and Málaga.

Building Volume: approximately 5,000 sqm and/or 150 rooms.